For Undocumented Restaurant Workers, Everything Is in Question

2025-02-10T12:52:11-05:00February 5th, 2025|


“Kaufman-Gutierrez says the Street Vendor Project — which has long lobbied the local government for more vendor permits — has been offering rights training, and distributing materials to vendors on what to do if they’re stopped by ICE."

Why NYC Street Vendors Are Especially Vulnerable to ICE Raids

2025-02-03T12:50:10-05:00January 31st, 2025|


“While most advocacy for immigrant workers is taking place on the federal and state levels, the Street Vendor Project has a crucial package of legislation at City Council that would help protect immigrants by expanding access to licenses and permits to all street vendors

Migrant Vendors Park Carts as Their American Dreams Slip Away

2025-02-03T12:48:47-05:00January 30th, 2025|

The City

“Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, deputy director of the nonprofit Street Vendor Project, called on the City Council to pass new laws to protect vendors, including one to repeal criminal liability for street vending and another to lift the city’s cap on vending licenses.”

Queens’ Roosevelt Avenue, Fresh From a 90-day Cleanup, is Getting More Enforcement

2025-01-27T14:07:29-05:00January 25th, 2025|


“Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, the deputy director of the Street Vendor Project, said the crackdown on unlicensed vendors had hurt workers just trying to earn a living. “ It has been devastating,” she said."

NYC Immigrant Street Vendors Fearing Deportation Urge City Council to Pass Protection Laws

2025-01-27T14:05:57-05:00January 23rd, 2025|


"When people ask, 'What can be done? What can New Yorkers do to protect immigrant communities?' The fact is there are laws in front of City Council right now," SVP deputy director Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez said. Advocates say the Street Vendor Reform package would expand access and protections for vendors..."

Sapete Qual è il Periodo Più Conveniente per Visitare New York?

2025-01-06T14:35:34-05:00December 27th, 2024|

Vogue Italia

Seguire questo tour è anche un modo per sostenere Street Vendor Project, associazione che rappresentazione e sostiene i piccoli business di questo tipo, soprattutto a regolarizzarsi dal punto di vista dei documenti e delle normative.”