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So far hughr has created 282 blog entries.

Largest Street Vendor Protest in Decades Calls for More Permits, Less Enforcement

2024-09-04T11:33:10-04:00August 22nd, 2024|

New Amsterdam News

"Most participants at the Aug. 15 event were street vendors themselves, like the Street Vendor Project’s Calvin Baker. Baker sells general merchandise on Harlem’s 125th Street, an age-old corridor for Black street vendors in New York City."

Street Vendors Rally for Protection and Resources to Work

2024-09-04T11:31:02-04:00August 15th, 2024|


"Mohammed Attia was a vendor for a decade, and is now the managing director of the Street Vendor Project.“The vending system has been set up for many decades, baiscally criminalizing the street vending community, making their jobs and businesses difficult to run,” Attia said."

Frustrated Street Vendors March in NYC. Here’s What They Want from the City Council

2024-09-04T11:28:30-04:00August 15th, 2024|


"Nearly 20,000 entrepreneurs, the majority of whom are immigrants, people of color, veterans, and women, are employed as street vendors in New York City, according to the Street Vendor Project organization."

Street November’s Ballot Will Give New Yorkers Chance to Vote on Street Vendor Regulation

2024-09-04T11:29:49-04:00August 14th, 2024|

News 12

"Groups like the Street Vendor Project are raising their voices to call on the city council to raise the cap on permits and offer more support to those who need them to run their businesses in line with the law."

Former DOE Teacher Shocked by $1,000 Fine for Selling Water and Chips Without a License on 125th Street

2024-07-29T14:11:27-04:00July 25th, 2024|

New Amsterdam News

“A lot of people cannot access the permits because there are caps on the number of these permits that goes back to the ‘80s,” said Mohamed Attia, managing director of the Street Vendor Project.

Vending Tickets in Parks Climb Steadily as New Arrivals Face Ramped Up Enforcement

2024-06-24T11:14:17-04:00June 17th, 2024|

The City

“We know that every day around the clock — probably as we're speaking now — there is a vendor being harassed by a city agency person carrying a badge and a gun.” - Mohammed Attia, executive director of the advocacy group Street Vendor Project.

They Had Been Distributing Warm Meals in Harlem for Months. Last Weekend, the NYPD Tried to Stop Them

2024-05-20T12:11:07-04:00May 15th, 2024|

Hell Gate

"The legality of food distribution by organizations like mutual aid groups or church organizations is murky—and it's unclear exactly what permit these groups would need to obtain, explained Matthew Shapiro, the legal director of the Street Vendor Project."

In Times Square, Hot Dog in the City by Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw Elicits Postmodern Sublime

2024-05-20T12:12:51-04:00May 13th, 2024|

The Architect's Newspaper

"Thus, Hot Dog in the City is a collaboration with the Times Square Arts Alliance as well as the Street Vendor Project, a membership-based organization that advances the rights and wages of street vendors in New York."

How a 65-foot ‘Hot Dog in the City’ Relishes Generations of NYC Street Food and Vendors

2024-05-06T12:08:10-04:00May 1st, 2024|


"Supported by Times Square Arts and the Street Vendor Project, the art installation Hot Dog in the City was co-created by conceptual artists Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw...Mohamed Attia, managing director of SVP, was once a hot dog vendor in the same location for five years. “Between 2010 and 2014, if you passed Times Square around that time, you probably purchased a hot dog from me."