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So far hughr has created 294 blog entries.

Lifting The Cap On Street-Vendor Permits Would Bring In $17M, IBO Finds

2024-01-17T09:12:28-05:00January 9th, 2024|

The Chief Leader

"Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez [of the Street Vendor Project] argued that reforming the street vending industry could be a “great opportunity for the mayor to deliver results for working class New Yorkers and make a change that will better their lives.”

Unlicensed Vendors At Grand Army Plaza Lament Holiday Crackdown

2023-12-11T12:00:33-05:00December 9th, 2023|


“It is incredibly complicated. It's more inaccessible than not,” said Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, deputy director of the Street Vendor Project. “It's very much these layers of red tape that make it incredibly complicated just for an average vendor to operate.”

Vendedores Ambulantes Del Puente De Brooklyn Se Oponen A Ser Desalojados: “No Es Justo”

2023-12-11T12:08:11-05:00December 6th, 2023|


Eric Nava Pérez, del [Street Vendor Project of the Urban Justice Center], que representa a 3,000 vendedores ambulantes, expresó que se oponen a la propuesta de la Ciudad de Nueva York para desalojarlos y apunta que "deberían solicitar propuestas de los mismos vendedores".